Sofa Cleaning in Liverpool

Upholstery cleaner in Liverpool

With furniture cleaning, you should choose someone trained with the IICRC and NCCA organisations.

We understand the difference between cotton or silk, to polyester. Do you?

We know whether to wet or dry clean a three-piece suite. I took a fibre test to understand the construction.


Identification is critical. By this, we mean being able to recognise the fibre.

Just like washing your clothes using the correct cycle, temperature is important. If you don’t, damage may occur, which in many cases is not reversible.

The same principle applies to dealing with upholstery.

To ensure we get it right the first time, we first identify the fibre which dictates the method we shall use. This may be steam extraction, low moisture, or the dry method.


Each method has its advantages.

The most common method we is by hot water extraction.


Sofa Cleaners Liverpool


Before any work can take place, we will survey the furniture. We do this as a matter of course, but also it is for our insurance policy.

We Identify the stains and measure and record any rips or nicks. We love taking pictures that show our skills.


So if we were to use steam extraction, this is what we would do.


1/ Deal with any prominent stains. These are normally food, drink, and grease.


2/ I like to leave the solution to dwell for at least ten minutes before any agitation takes place.


3/ Working at the rear and sides first, as these are normally the least dirty sections. Steam vapour is used as this penetrates the fabric. The water pressure we use is normally around 150psi but this can be regulated.

4/Headrests and arms are now being worked on. The hand tool we use is around 4 inches wide and has a glass window. We can see the water being removed and continue to work the area until we see clear water.

5/ The seating areas are now dealt with. The seats may be reversible, i.e. you can sit on both sides.

6/ Once the settee is stain and dirt-free, we now re-examine our work. Use a terry towel to wipe down the fibres and nap back into place.

This also tells us if any dirt has been transferred. If this is the case, we revisit that section.

Drying Times

7/ Drying times vary a lot. This is because of the padding. However, because of the vacuum power on our machines, we remove around 90% of all moisture. To improve the drying process, we will place an air mover on the sofa. This is where warm air is blown over the seating sections. I have known upholstery to be bone dry in 30 minutes.


Low Moisture and the dry method are very similar, but the results are not nearly as good as hwe.

Care Tips

Should be able to endure a lot of wear and tear. Keeping it fresh and well-maintained will help it last longer.

1. Wipe dust off using a soft damp cloth once a week.

2. Vacuum your couch regularly. Doing so removes particles that might scratch the upholstery, making it wear faster. Use the vacuum crevice nozzle. This will help you get into every nook of the furniture.

3. Before we start, we vacuum first to remove loose particles. Avoid rubbing the fabric because this might also ruin the fibres.

4. When dealing with spills or stains, use a mild or watered-down detergent. Test in an inconspicuous area first. If the stain does not come off, gradually build up the concentration until it reducers or is removed.

5. Covering the furniture will help prevent stains and dust particles from settling. It is a preventive method that can save any unnecessary future expenditure.

6. Position the furniture away from direct sunlight and at least two feet away from heat sources because they can cause fading and discolouration of the fabric. Cigarette smoke and cooking fumes should be avoided, too.

7. Rotate the cushions of the furniture so that the wear is dispersed. This also prevents permanent indentations.

8. Service your furniture professionally at least once a year. The presentation of your couch, love seat and chair routinely will improve indoor air quality.



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